Unity - Completed - Sakura Lewd Fighters [Final] [Dana's Demons]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    When I first tried this game, I thought it was a shitpost at best, but I was not expecting that this game is being sold for actual, real money that you'll get more excitement flushing down the toilet. The only reason I can ironically revel in how bad this game is is due to the fact that I didn't pay a cent, and neither should you. Not because I'm advocating piracy, but because this game is not worth the bandwidth to download, let alone paying real fucking money for.

    Graphically, it's a mess, the portraits appear to be AI generated and the models are mostly the same stock asset pack with the exception of Fexxina, who is clearly just a stolen FNAF Foxy model. Animations are stiff and repetitive, and all characters seem to have identical normals to each other, with very little to differentiate them in terms of fighting style or personality.

    Speaking of which, the gameplay is kinda much more important if you're not even going to give us the courtesy of sex, and boy does it not deliver. Specials don't come out with any sense of consistency, and damage is incredibly low except for one absurd move every character apparently has. Re-launches are trivial to do (HK or 6MK are the basic launcher buttons) but feel very inconsistent. Hit detection is wonky as fuck, not only making some moves not connect properly, but also makes moves that shouldn't hit actually hit. Plus, the game is just overall sluggish to play. Animations are way too long and physics are so floaty that it feels like I'm fighting in molasses.

    Sound is just one incredibly overdone song looping on repeat with a lack of any variety, and the few sound effects in the game have no impact and are just forgettable. To make all of this worse, the dev has the gall to peg future updates to the success of this game, which is troubling because it implies that, at best, they think that this is a polished and/or presentable product to charge money for. I just cannot fathom the level of hubris or cynicsm it must take to make something like this come into existence.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Still dont understand, why make porn game without porn. Noone will play it to fap and noone will play it to enjoy fighting. I just missed a "no sexual content" tag, so a waste of 10 minutes.

    Thanks for a flaccid dick.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    There's no point to this game existing whatsoever. Its 100% purely cash grab. First, there is no sex at all. Second, the combat mechanics are some of the most sluggish and unresponsive I've ever seen. Lastly, the characters (the few that there are) don't even look good. F-tier.