RPGM - Completed - Magical Girl Seraphier [v1.03] [MAGICAL PONPON]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly very enjoyable.

    Unsurprisingly, it follows a pretty standard RPGM eroge format, but its gameplay mechanics are polished enough in a way that there's a nice balance between combat and H scenes. For those who might want to see those scenes without having to affect their actual in-game save, there's a nice option to see that. Also allows for easy grinding and options for combat interactions. Nothing is more annoying than being hit with the random enemy in an RPGMaker game after walking around, and that's not a problem here.

    Gives off a great early 2000s-anime vibe with the BGM and art. The drawn art in particular is very cleanly done (and is honestly my biggest draw to the game). The additional animations are pretty good too.

    TL is actually pretty good.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    agus gines

    I actually really liked this one, super good animated scenes if that is all you care.

    Story is fine, its your tipical magical girl floor clearing dungeon but its entertaining. Each level is distinct and has new enemies so the game doesnt become repetitive.

    The gameplay is kinda hard, the qte is a bit precise but nothing to extreme. Something that could be better is that normal enemies have H scnes in combat and not only the bosses
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    As a fan of magical girls and bondage, I was super excited to play this game!

    Which makes it a shame that there's really not a lot to this.

    Don't get me wrong. The animations are really fantastic, and the idea here is great, but it's extremely shallow. While (nearly) every enemy will restrain you in some way (the tutorial enemy doesn't), only bosses will perform erotic attacks on you. Defeat by regular enemies has you being dragged back to a bondage room and giving you a quick H-Scene.

    To the creators credit, the erotic attacks from bosses are fairly varied, though they still wind up being variations on "Teases breast/pussy"; this doesn't bother me as much as I'm not the biggest fan of penetrative sex, but it's an addition to the shallow nature of the game.

    Which makes it a shame because there's an optional mode that, had it been the focus of the game, would have made it a much better game. After a certain optional event, you gain "Lust Mode" after recieving a certain number of erotic attacks. This will grant you a massive power boost (and immediately breaks bondage) at the cost of gradually increasing your lust (climaxing twice in a single battle will depower you and make you helpless).

    It's not hard to get yourself into this mode once you understand it, and once you're in it, you're nearly unbeatable, so if you can avoid trash fights and the passive lust increase with them, being in Lust Mode makes the game so much easier. It would have been a lot more fun if the game had been about managing this mode, and the effects it has on the main character.

    As it is, it's another attempt at an H-Game with an interesting underlying plot (Though geez, don't give me the option to betray my allies and not follow up) that doesn't quite do enough to be outstanding.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Why do magical girls always end tied up?

    Translation: Pretty good. They really got across the dynamic between the MC and her friend.

    Gameplay: Well, it's okay? It has the QTE to avoid bondage thing going on, which I quite like. Usually a few stages, ending with a gag so you can't cast spells unless you use the half MP break out of it all thing. Problem is most enemies don't do anything past that, they get it on you and just start shooting again. Only the bosses really do much after. That said, it's competently put together if on the easy side and I applaud RPGM games that do *anything* in combat.

    Story: You play as the dumb magical girl that goes and gets herself kidnapped on purpose. You then go do random objectives to try and re-establish contact so the rest of the magical girls can come to this secret island and beat up the bad guys. It's fine, the characters are decent.

    H-Content/Art: So I'll be up front that I don't really like the character design. That said, the scenarios are all quite well done and the art is fine. The animation can be a bit jank from time to time, but with how much variety there is I'm willing to overlook it.

    Overall, it was enjoyable and competently made. While there's some more options that I would recommend above this like Celesphonia or Luna's Misfortunes.. not every game can be a 5/5 classic.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I love magical girl games. Especially H games. To me a magical girl game is a story of a young girl fighting for hope, the future, and most importantly her friends and those close to her. We should be drawn into the story as the main character gets close to other characters, makes friends and suffers setbacks.

    This game doesn't feel like a magical girl game in terms of themes. It's more of just an agent in a cute dress invading one building. It manages to be very lackluster in all aspects.

    If you're after a combat bondage magical girl game, just play Magical Girl Luna's Misfortunes. Despite the art style it manages to be far more erotic, a far wider variety of a multitude bondage scenarios, and the characters are all precious and amazing. It also has great combat with every boss having a different gimmick to solve in order to beat them.

    If you want a lewd magical girl game with corruption mechanics play Magical Girl Celesphonia. Once again the characters, and the world are far better and you want Hibiki to triumph in the end with how it makes you invested. The slow corruption also feels like it matters with the world seeing her fall down a path of corruption and adjusting their lines accordingly.

    If you want an epic plot and some of the best character writing with optional lewdness play Demons Roots. Calling this one a magical girl game is a tiny bit iffy, but the themes and designs are all consistent with one. It even has a transformation scene eventually. The themes of fighting back through hopelessness together with the friends made along the way is peak magical girl.

    This game under delivers in every aspect of writing and themes. The translation is great, the characters are just unmemorable and boring. I'm honestly not sure why they added corruption mechanics when there's only one shopkeeper to talk to. Our protag is just dropped into action without bothering to give us anything to make us attached to her. I was excited seeing a magical girl game, but without character interaction and with this games boring combat you're probably better off just downloading a full save.
  6. 3.00 star(s)



    in short: a game which does everything right... except the porn scenes.

    the game is funny, you have a lot of options, QTE (quick time event) to avoid restraints or you can choose "random" which percentage depends on HP.
    you can freely unlock all scenes if you want, all bosses and enemies are organized neatly. you unlock a boss' H- scene in gallery even if you win.
    if your level is high enough compared to the enemy then you autodefeat it and get the xp+gold (half), you can toggle this option as well, and many other options to reduce grind.

    the battlefuck mechanics are awesome, to escape you need a lot of mana (50% mana pool) but after you get restrained you get sexually teased, which decreases mana... see where im going? you could be abused forever in theory if you dont have enough mana (there is a manaregen spell with a cooldown) although after a while for a certain number of orgasms (default is 2) you transform back to a normal girl and lose. where a H-scene will follow.

    so it all sounds good, why is it just 3/5?

    -heavily censored

    -only battlefuck mechanics are against bosses. majority of fights are gonna be against mobs and those dont do sexual attacks, only restrain attacks. and if you lose against them: nothing happens, they take you back to cell... only against bosses there are H-scenes on defeat (and H-attacks in battle) BORING. AS. HELL.

    -Live2D model... which i usually like... but here every scene, be it battle, or standing heroine model, or every sex scene is done by Live2D... and tbh sex scenes are really bad imo. even though i like bdsm tags a lot. groping scenes feel very unnatural.
    and maybe due to that, there are very few scenes with actual humans and their molestation/grope/sex because maybe the engine limitation and lack of animation skill (or time) made the author invent a lot of other "sexual" stuff as fillers. you get aroused from choking, electroshock, pain in general (against bosses)... it's BORING.
    and when the boss is occasionally a human their dick is heavily censored(and misfigured) so it's really bad.

    if you get aroused JUST by a girl being restrained then maybe you would like this, i didn't. it's boring. does everything right but epicly fails at the porn part.

    (oh and btw if you wanna try it, when you have to collect 5keys i think, there will be a bug with black screen after a scene. to work around press menu and select lewd mark symbol from the options, then your screen will turn back to normal)