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Unity - Completed - Immortal Girl [Final] [AZCREO]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've seen a more player-hostile game since Syobon Action (aka "Cat Mario").

    The controls feel like your character is wearing butter-soled shoes at all times; the timing for certain actions and events is inconsistent as fuck; the corners of every platform you land on appear to be rounded in some cases where you can just teeter on the edge infinitely and occasionally walk off while still mostly on the flat portion; and really, the splash screens upon hitting an obstacle are really lacking something.

    Unlike the 99% of commenters in the thread, I don't care that there's no sexual content (then again, the ability to unlock that would definitely not hinder this game in any way), but... the deaths failures lacked any sort of dramatic impact. For a game with such an inherently violent premise—traversing a gauntlet of trap-filled corridors on your quest for a satisfying end to your immortality which she doesn't even bother to take and instead chooses to continue living a miserable existence anyways—I would've expected to see maybe the slightest hint of some sort of blood or viscera? You're jumping over sawblades and dashing to avoid bladed pendulums, so I would maybe expect to see some cuts and scrapes there instead of just clothes in tatters; in later levels, you're introduced to falling crates and even tombstones falling from the ceiling, and in the "death" splashes, she puts her head on the floor like she's very intensely apologizing to someone; even fire traps and lava pits are surprisingly tame, just showing the clothes burnt away with no damage to the girl at all... not even to her long and luxurious hair, which you'd imagine might be flammable? She's immortal, not invincible... the game, however, seems not to recognize the difference, and if it has you starting from the beginning of every level anyways when you inevitably fail for the hundredth time, then why not go the extra mile and show some mild gore to warrant the more adult rating?

    At its best, it's a mostly harmless platformer, albeit sometimes very frustrating. (Looking at you, auto-scroller in World 4... also, 5-5.)
    At its worst, it's a depressing slog through thirty rage-inducing levels, give or take, of which even the most hardcore masochists would tire within a few hours of playing.

    Play it if you're the type of person that thinks "I Wanna Be the Guy" needed more nearly-nude women. Otherwise, pass.